The SCDMV will be performing scheduled maintenance from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 23. All DMV services, including online services and kiosks, will be unavailable.
The SCDMV will be performing scheduled maintenance from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 23. All DMV services, including online services and kiosks, will be unavailable.
While the SCDMV works to operationalize the requirements of Act #51 of 2023, it is accepting questions on business decisions via email. Questions that other dealers, service providers, titling companies, or other entities have asked in relation to this Act are answered below.
How do I sign up with an electronic vehicle registration service provider?
There are three authorized service providers in South Carolina. Learn more about EVR, the service providers and how to sign up with your preferred provider, and the greater electronic registration and titling program (referred to as ERT).
The law says that dealers may not obtain certificates of title (among other items) at SCDMV branch (Section 56-3-2340(A)). Will I be able to obtain duplicate titles for customers in branches?
Yes. There are currently no plans to change the process of requesting a duplicate title. The SCDMV is working on a list of transactions that can continue at branches across the state and will share that when it is finalized.
Currently, the electronic vehicle registration (EVR) program stops when a dealer enters a customer's out-of-state license number. How will this work if dealers are to issue them a 45-day traceable temporary license plate through EVR?
The SCDMV will modify the EVR program to allow for dealers to issue the 45-day temporary plate to out-of-state customers. Each service provider will modify their respective interfaces. The SCDMV does not regulate how a service provider incorporates these changes, only that the changes are made.
If customers decide they no longer want the vehicle they purchased, but a dealer cannot "back out" of a transaction between updates (Section 56-3-2340(A)), will a dealer be able to cancel those registrations?
The best way to handle these specific situations is to contact your EVR service provider when it happens and allow the service provider to work with SCDMV staff to correct any transactions on the agency's end.
Regarding the amount dealers can charge for the temporary tag (Section 56-3-210(J)), can dealers make those changes now or do we have to wait until a certain date?
The cost of temporary tags does not change until January 18, 2024. Your service provider will let you know when its system is modified to accommodate new fee amounts.
When a dealer increases their bond amount (Section 56-15-320(B)(1)), will the bond issuer notify the SCDMV or is there a form the dealer should submit to show the increase?
The dealer is responsible for notifying the SCDMV. The dealer may submit a new bond, a bond rider, or a notification on letterhead from the bond issuer. Bond issuers may use the new version of the Motor Vehicle Dealer and Wholesaler Surety Bonds Form (Form DLA-1B) to submit bond information.
Will wholesale dealers be able to continue to work from home?
No. With an amendment to Section 56-15-330 in the South Carolina Code of Laws, no wholesaler may be issued a license unless the wholesaler has a bona fide established place of business. In that same section of law, a bona fide established place of business "does not mean a residence." Wholesalers may use a detached building on the same property as a home provided that the detached building has a separate address assigned by the Postal Service.
What will I provide out-of-state customers if the 30-day tag is gone?
Beginning January 18, 2024, you will provide out-of-state customers buying items from South Carolina dealers a 45-day traceable temporary license plate like you do today for in-state buyers. These must be issued via your EVR service provider like you do today. There will be no more 30-day tags available for purchase and any on the road after February 17, 2024, are illegal.
How is leasing going to be affected?
For a lease buyout, no change. This cannot be done via EVR. If you’re referring to a regular lease, that will continue with no change as well. All lease-buyout transactions will continue to be handled in branch offices.
How do dealers handle a repossessed vehicle where a title change is immediately needed?
This is not an EVR transaction. Repossessions can continue to occur in branches as they are today.
Will dealers still be able to walk in and print expedited titles (only) at a branch?
EVR is being modified to allow for title-only transactions. As far as duplicate titles, yes, they can still be obtained at DMV branches.