The SCDMV will be performing scheduled maintenance from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 23. All DMV services, including online services and kiosks, will be unavailable.
The SCDMV will be performing scheduled maintenance from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 23. All DMV services, including online services and kiosks, will be unavailable.
Email Information
If you have a complaint or need to report fraud, you should complete the Customer Complaint Form (SCDMV Form AD-800E), also available in Spanish (SCDMV Form AD-800S), and email it to the SCDMV.
Official Correspondence
While the SCDMV uses social media, email, and phone to communicate with the citizens of South Carolina in hopes of answering their agency-related questions, all official notices from the agency come via mail. At this time, the SCDMV does not utilize email to alert citizens to changes in their driving or vehicle records of any kind. If you receive an email from an entity claiming to be the SCDMV, or its equivalent, particularly ones that may ask you to pay fines or fees, please delete it immediately.