The SCDMV will be performing scheduled maintenance from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 23. All DMV services, including online services and kiosks, will be unavailable.
The SCDMV will be performing scheduled maintenance from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 23. All DMV services, including online services and kiosks, will be unavailable.
New Account Questions
How do I apply for an IRP and/or IFTA account?
View the New Accounts page for this information and more.
What documents are required?
View the New IRP Account Checklist (SCDMV Form IRP-8) or the New IFTA Account Checklist (SCDMV Form IFTA-13) for a complete list depending on which account you are opening.
I have an out-of-state license. May I apply for an IRP and/or IFTA account?
Yes, but you must have a brick-and-mortar business location that is open and staffed during normal business hours with records that would be accessibly at any time by an SCDMV auditor. You must have three proofs of residency at the business location in the business name, and you must have Foreign Articles of Incorporation filed with the South Carolina Secretary of State's office.
IRP Questions
How do I add vehicles to my IRP account?
You must have the physical title signed over to you as the buyer, the Application for a Title (SCDMV Form 400), and payment for the appropriate fee. A title is $15 to receive it in the mail. You must also pay the infrastructure maintenance fee (IMF) on newly purchased vehicles. The IMF total is 5% of the purchase price, but no more than $500. If you're a new-to-SC resident moving your vehicle to this state, you will owe $250 when titling the vehicle.
How do I renew my IRP account?
Login to the Motor Carrier Services web portal or visit an SCDMV branch.
Once I have completed my renewal online, what do I do next?
Email your stamped, paid IRS 2290, signed Agreement to Prepare/Maintain Records (SCDMV Form MC-7), and, if applicable, Operational Lease Agreement (SCDMV Form IRP-9).
Do I need an IRP-9?
The Operational Lease Agreement (SCDMV Form IRP-9) is an agreement between yourself (the lessee) and the carrier with the USDOT# you will use (the lessor). If you are running under your own USDOT#, you do not need this form.
How do I change from a carrier to a registrant?
You will take the Supplemental Application for Apportioned Registration (SCDMV Form IRP Schedule C) and your letter from the IRS with your assigned USDOT# to a Motor Carrier Services branch office and have your account update. You will pay $1 per updated cab card.
Will newly added vehicles be prorated?
Yes. You will be invoiced from the date you the vehicle into your fleet until the account expires.
How do I close my account?
You must submit the Supplemental Application for Apportioned Registration (SCDMV Form IRP Schedule C) to delete a vehicle. At the top of this form, you will write, "I wish to close my account." You may only close your account after any required fees have been paid.
How do I replace a lost or stolen IRP plate?
You may do this online, or you may take your completed Lost/Stolen or Destroy License Plate Report Replacement Application (SCDMV Form 452-A) into a Motor Carrier Services branch and pay $6 to receive a replacement.
How much does an apportioned plate cost?
There is no set fee for an apportioned plate. The fee is based on the vehicle's year, make, model, gross vehicle weight, depreciation value, and the road use fee.
Why can't I split my renewal payment?
Only interstate carriers are able to split their South Carolina registration fee into quarterly payments when processing transactions online. Your road use fee must be paid upfront. On July 1, 2024, intrastate carriers will be able to split their payments.
How do I pay my Heavy Vehicle Use Tax/2290?
You pay your HVUT with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Visit the IRS's website for more information.
Certificate of Compliance Question
What is Certificate of Compliance (COC) and do I need it?
The COC is for carriers hauling for hire from one point of the state to another. Depending on your load, you may need this. Use the Application for Certificate of Compliance for Operation of For-Hire Motor Vehicle Carriers (SCDMV Form COC).
Unified Carrier Registration Question
What is Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) and do I need it?
This is required for anyone with an active USDOT# marked for interstate commerce. The requirement for UCR is based on the USDOT# being active or not regardless of if you have used it. To register online, visit the UCR website. Or register on paper using the 2023 UCR Form.
IFTA Questions
How do I renew my IFTA account?
You may complete your renewal online by logging into your Motor Carrier Services account. You may also visit any SCDMV branch that processes IFTA renewals.
Once I have completed my IFTA renewal online, what do I do next?
You must submit your Agreement to Prepare/Maintain Records (SCDMV Form MC-7) and vehicle listing to the SCDMV via email.
What is a vehicle listing?
A vehicle listing is a list of all vehicles being renewed. The list must include the vehicle's year, make, model, VIN, and plate number. The out-of-state cab card showing the USDOT# must be submitted for a sticker to be issued for any vehicles that need stickersthat are not in the SC IRP account.
When are IFTA tax returns due?
If the last day of the month falls on a weekend, your return is due the following business day. Otherwise, the returns are due each quarter: Quarter 1 - April 1, Quarter 2 - July 31, Quarter 3 - October 31, and Quarter 4 - January 31, respectively.
Do I owe a penalty for paying late?
Yes. Tax returns that are not submitted by the dates above will be charged a late penalty of either $50 or 10 percent of the total tax return - whichever is greater.
How do I close my IFTA account?
You must complete the IFTA Return (SCDMV Form IFTA-3) and select that you which to close your account. Before you may close your account, any outstanding tax returns must be paid.
How do I send my supporting documents for my IFTA renewal?
You must email your Agreement to Prepare/Maintain Records (SCDMV Form MC-7) and vehicle listing.
How do I amend my Articles of Incorporation?
Please contact the Secretary of State's Office.
How do I change my name or address on my account?
Bring three proofs of residency in either the new name or from the new address to a branch office that serves motor carriers. You'll also complete the Change of Name/Address Form (SCDMV Form 4057). You will owe $1 for each updated registration.
What do I do if I'm locked out of my web account?
Use the "forgot password" link to reset your password. You may also contact the Motor Carrier Services Helpdesk to have your account unlocked.