Renewing a Dealer License

To renew your dealer or wholesaler license on or after October 15, 2024, please review the following requirements, then click the green button to begin your online renewal application.


In October 2024, the SCDMV transitioned to online Dealer License Renewals only. If you have already renewed your Dealer License and need to renew or purchase demonstration plates, please visit the Dealer License Plates page for instructions. More information can be found on the Renewing a Dealer License page of our website.

For questions regarding your online renewal application, please contact the Business License Unit via email.

During the application, you will have an opportunity to update your employee and sales manager lists; however, if you are adding more than 20 individuals, please contact the Business License Unit via email at before completing your renewal.

Before beginning your online renewal application, please ensure a National Criminal Background Report has been completed for any individual who owns or controls 10 percent or more of the business. The report cannot be more than 90 days old and can be obtained at National Criminal Background Report

Please allow between 2-10 days to receive your completed background report(s). Reports are emailed to your submitted email address within a minimum of three to five days of purchase.

Background reports will be electronically verified (e-verified) during the online renewal application. If the report for one or more owners cannot be e-verified (i.e., the report is still pending, or a report was not found) you will not be able to complete the online renewal application at that time. You may return to the application later to retry the e-verification. Your application will be available to complete for 30 calendar days.

* The National Criminal Reports are individually based and fees will vary.

During the online transaction you may be required to upload the following documents:

  • Bond Continuation Certificate or proof of new bond
  • Certificate of Liability/Garage Insurance
  • List of Dealer-to-Dealer or Out-of-State sales, if applicable, on one of the following:
    • Form Certification of Vehicles Sold by a Dealer (SCDMV Form DLA-1C)
    • EVR Sales Volume Verification Letter
    • Letter size paper listing a minimum of 15 numbered transactions with date of sale, complete name and address of buyer, vehicle year, make and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).

If you are requesting dealer demonstration plates with your license renewal: 

  • You must have sold at least 15 vehicles during the previous 12 months to receive two demonstration plates. Each additional 15 sales will allow you to receive another plate. Your plate eligibility will be determined from the SCDMV's system which calculates the total sales to SC retail buyers. If the number of SC retail sales does not warrant any or enough sales for plates, you can submit a list of out-of-state retail buyers and/or dealer-to-dealer sales.
  • Dealer-to-Dealer or Out-of-State sales can be listed on one of the following:
    • Form Certification of Vehicles Sold by a Dealer (SCDMV Form DLA-1C)
    • EVR Sales Volume Verification Letter
    • Letter-size paper listing a minimum of 15 numbered transactions with date of sale, complete name and address of buyer, vehicle year, make and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
  • A copy of valid commercial (garage) liability insurance is required. Personal liability insurance policy is not acceptable. Name and physical address of insured must match name and physical address of dealership.
If you purchased a new surety bond since your last application, you must submit your original bond and Power of Attorney to the address below:

Business License Unit
PO Box 1498
Blythewood, SC 29016-0023

Inspections for Renewals

Some dealer applicants require facility inspection upon renewal. The following criteria determines whether or not an inspection will be required:

  • The dealer or wholesaler license has been expired for more than 90 days.
  • The business type changed from a dealer to a wholesaler or from a wholesaler to a dealer.
  • The name and/or address of the dealer or wholesaler changed.
  • The ownership or location of the dealer or wholesaler changed.

Electronic Dealer Renewal Project (EDRP)

Beginning October 15, 2024, the SCDMV’s project for the electronic renewal of dealer and wholesaler licenses is live! This project’s purpose is to enhance the customer experience by streamlining the dealer license renewal process through an online platform that not only saves time and effort but also gives dealers more control in managing and viewing dealership profile information during the renewal period.
  With electronic renewals, dealers will have the ability to verify their insurance and transmit a National Criminal Report electronically, submit additional sales volume, view dealership plates and sales history, and update dealership profile information at any time without having to travel to a branch office.
The project was rolled out in the following three phases: 

  • Phase I:  Pilot Part I (for pre-select dealers to test the system and renew online) - June 13 - July 31, 2024
  • Phase II: Pilot Part II (dealers eligible to renew can test the new system and renew online, at a branch office, or by mail) - September 3, 2024 - October 14, 2024
  • Phase III:  Full Rollout (Mandatory online renewal only) - October 15, 2024

To prepare for the upcoming change, the agency is asking dealers to review the below information.

Informational Resources about Project Details

Updating Contacts and Employee List

Dealers should update their contact and employee list on a regular basis.

To update your dealership's contact and employee list, you may send the completed letter of request on a business letterhead by email or by fax to (803) 896-8172. In the letter of request, include the following information: 

  • A request to add/remove the individual(s) who are authorized to make changes or updates to your dealer license. 
  • The individual(s) full name, driver’s license number, address, and date of birth.
  • If the individual resides out of state, include a front copy of their driver's license.

To add or remove an owner, please contact the Business License Unit at (803) 896-2611 or to inquire of the documents needed.